A Gallery. Scene 1.
A Gallery.
Cassie Hansen. A 34 year old married woman. She's a knock out, always dressed as if she's out for a night on the town. Long legs, bright eyes and a face which hardly conceals her intelligence.
Lt. Forge. A 48 year old man. He's distinguished. Salt and pepper hair, chiseled jaw. He's made a good living for himself as owner of the gallery. He knows fine art, and has had his share of even finer woman. He could charm the spots off a Leopard.
Scene 1.
Cassie admires a larger than life painting. Lt. Forge stands behind her, the same look of longing in his eyes - but for her, not the painting.
Cassie: How much for the De'vangioni?
Lt. Forge: A fine choice. Have you any De'vans of your own?
Cassie: I bought an original while traveling through Moscow.
Lt. Forge: Ah. A Russian De'vangioni. Very rare.
Cassie: I'm very pleased with it. How much is this one? It has such fine lines.
Lt. Forge: Of course it does. You know your art. You have a fine eye.
Cassie: It's rather important that we speak of the cost.
Lt. Forge: The cost of this De'vangioni... I'd like to think it's worth something other than money. Look at it. It screams, "From the Heart!"
Cassie: Other than money?
Lt. Forge: Yes. You see, this De'Vangioni isn't the only object present with fine lines, Ms..?.
Cassie: Ms. Hansen. Cassie Hansen. (She offers her hand)
Lt. Forge: (He takes it, examines it, kisses it) Ms. Hansen, may I trouble you to follow me into my office. We can discuss this matter further.
Cassie: I'm not opposed to a discussion, however, I am a lady.
Lt. Forge: And I a Man. A Man of business, Ms. Hansen. Please - Follow me.
He leads her by the hand towards the back of the Gallery, she follows, her high heels claking on the concrete floor...
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